Using Wellcheq effectively

Resources and tips for how to implement WellCheq in your school

WellCheq implementation models

There are 2 primary implementation models that we've seen be successful


driven model

The classroom teacher takes full ownership of using WellCheq, with support from counselors and administrators as needed.

  • Students check in with a specific teacher
  • Works well in advisory or homeroom, but can also be effective when a specific subject/special period is selected for cheq ins
  • Teachers have access to student data and receive Cheq on me notifications
  • Counselors and administrators provide extra support as needed

Counselor / Administrator

driven model

Counselors or administrators take on a more active role in administering WellCheq. Teachers offer support in the classroom.

  • Students can be grouped by class or grade level
  • Works well in high schools or settings with rotating student schedules
  • Teacher involvement is optional, allowing them to access the data when they want
  • Cheq on me notifications go to counselors and administrators 

Tips for using WellCheq

Best practices from the hundreds of teachers, administrators, and counselors that have used WellCheq over the past 4 years.

Make it part of your routine

Start your day or advisory with a cheq in. This allows students to pause, reflect, and take inventory of how they are feeling before getting the day started.

Involve students in the process

Assign one student to remind the other students to complete their cheq in. This is fun for the student and sends the message that checking in is important.

Become a team with your students

Ask the students how they want you to use the data. This sends the message that you are paying attention and that you value their input.

Use the data to build community

Share the emotional bar graph with students. This allows students to see that they are not the only one who may be feeling something other than happy.

Divide and conquer

Split up groups of students for different administrators or counselors to provide extra support in response to Cheq on me notifications.

Tailor to your class needs

Turn on or off features, such as the Cheq on me button or text entry boxes, based on your students’ needs