WellCheq stories

Hear from our students, teachers, and administrators about their experiences using WellCheq in their classrooms.

Our students say

"WellCheq helps me say how I actually feel, when I feel embarrassed to say it out loud.I also like it because it feels safe knowing that my feelings are going only to my teacher"

Elementary school Student

"I like how when I want to say I feel bad not everyone needs to know."

Elementary school Student

"WellCheq helps your teacher know how you are doing or if you are not feeling great."

Elementary school Student

"WellCheq helps me put my feelings out in the open."

Middle school Student

"WellCheq lets us tell teachers how we are feeling without anyone in the class knowing."

Middle school Student

"WellCheq helps me feel more aware of my emotions and forces me to ask myself how I'm feeling."

High school Student

"WellCheq gives me a way to express how I feel and doesn't take much time."

High school Student

"WellCheq helps other people know how you are feeling so if you are upset they can help you."

Middle school Student

Student report card

WellCheq runs an annual survey of hundreds of K-12 students. Students report that WellCheq

Increases awareness of their feelings.
Helps them share their feelings with their teachers.
Is fun and enjoyable to use.
Makes it easier to ask for help from adults in school.
Impacts their relationship with their teachers positively.
Helps their ability to learn.

Our teachers say

"We are loving WellCheq! I get a lot of participation through it, and the kids have been surprisingly honest, which has helped me and our counselor support them."

Middle school Teacher

"A student put down their wellbeing as a 1, so I reached out to her parent, and they seemed to appreciate the heads up."

High school Teacher

"Last week when we were having an issue with one of our students, we printed out the full report for this individual, and discussed it with their parents. It was super helpful to have this data."

Elementary school Teacher

"It's easy for the students to use. I use it once a week, but would like to use it more consistently to get more data. I truly appreciate this tool and recommended it to another colleague."

Middle school School psychologist

"One student I noticed has reported feeling sad for a couple of days. I've been able to check in with her and made sure the social worker did as well. This is a student with high grades but not great internet access. I would not have thought to check in with her, but her responses suggested that I needed to."

Middle school Teacher

"Kids love looking at the emotional bar graph every day."

Elementary school Teacher

"My students liked how simple it was. They know to check in each morning once they have signed into class."

Middle school Teacher

"One student likes to tell me once he's filled it in knowing I'll check it out and check in with him."

Middle school Teacher

"WellCheq was completely life-changing for me and my students, especially during this incredibly challenging year."

Elementary school Teacher

"Today a girl in my class marked her wellbeing at 1 and her emotion as sad. I pulled her into a breakout room privately to check on her. We talked about what was worrying her. This data allows me to support the whole child."

Elementary school Teacher

"We started using WellCheq and I'm super impressed with it! I highly recommend it as a quick daily check in for students for social-emotional wellbeing. The data is laid out nicely on the teacher dashboard as well."

Elementary school Teacher

"I found WellCheq so valuable to get insight into how all of the students were doing emotionally."

Middle School Social Worker

"I really like incorporating WellCheq. Students seem to be happy to answer it."

Middle school Teacher

Teacher report card

WellCheq runs an annual survey of hundreds of K-12 teachers. Teachers report that WellCheq

Helps improve their teaching practices.
Is quick and easy to implement.
Impacts their interactions with students positively.
Improves classroom management.
Deepens their connections to their students.
Would recommend WellCheq to other educators.