The science behind WellCheq

We are trying to move students' wellbeing to the forefront of the conversation. With more than half of our adolescents needing mental healthcare, it's time we talk more about how our students are feeling in addition to how they are performing!

WellCheq was developed based on lived experience and research.

We created this tool to promote self-awareness among students, facilitate stronger student-teacher relationships and help promote connectedness to school. Most simply put, when students feel better, they perform better!

How it Works

Students develop their social-emotional learning skills
Students complete their WellCheq
Teachers receive data and reach out to students
Teachers and students develop stronger relationship
Better classroom climate
Increased student engagement
Increased student achievement
Students develop self-awareness

How it Works

Students complete their WellCheq
Increased student engagement
Increased student achievement
Students develop self-awareness
Teachers receive data and reach out to students
Teachers and students develop stronger relationship
Better classroom climate
Students develop their social-emotional learning skills

The theories behind WellCheq

Attachment Theory

A secure relationship between students and teachers promotes student engagement. Students are more likely to take risks while learning, have a positive experience in the classroom, and engage more with peers.

Children whose kindergarten teachers reported positive relationships 

with students had better behavior ratings from their first-grade teachers.

Motivation Theory

A supportive teacher-student relationship enhances students' motivation 

and ultimately achievement.

Students who have stronger relationships with teachers are better able to adapt to school. They are more motivated, socially competent and mature.

Self-Determination Theory

We as humans seek experiences that fulfill three fundamental needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness. When students find that their 

school context meets their psychological needs, their engagement increases.

Teacher social support has been associated with fewer disruptive behaviors, more positive attitudes towards academics and a greater sense of belongingness among students.